GOSSIP!!! a fun Feature in the December 2016 issue
![]() ''... she’s done more than anyone else alive to take the original electronic instrument to new places.'' New York Music Daily
'' Wer das südkalifornische Musikwunder PAMELIA STICKNEY einmal live erlebt hat, wird feststellen: was die Künstlerin an poetischer Konzentration und feinfühliger Exaktheit während des Musizierens... ausstrahlt, ergänzt sie durch ihr quirlig-unkonventionelles Naturell, sobald sie zu reden beginnt. Das erklärt ihre unglaubliche Energie und Virtuosität.'' Efli Oberhuber, OESTIG/LSG “Eclectic barely cuts it. Like the more familiar chameleons, Josh Redman, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Branford Marsalis and many others normally associated with jazz, electronica, even classical, Pam Kurstin represents the most recent version of the eclectic, improvising musician” — allaboutjazz.com TED TALK |

Many thanks to Julie Hanify at the
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for bringing my suggestion to life!
Many of the regular visitors and staff there are also able to help a first-timer have the most optimal encounter with the analog (original concept) theremin, as i've given a lecture/workshop with specific details on how to help someone understand the basics of how it works without needing to be a so-called "virtuoso".
This is FREELY AVAILABLE for any visitor of the Carnegie Library.... (no admission, it's a public library)
LIVE on WFMU (Mary Wing's 100% Whatever) with Stuart Popejoy on minimoog, on and in various keys... click either pic to have a listen - 45 minute set in the middle of her show. (Sept. 27, 2016)
Live on Little Water Radio gettin all trash talk with the funny Django Voris! as soon as he put on Tuxedo moon and offered me a beer, i had a hunch this was gonna be a fun interview! Some Blueblut, Sugarlife, snippet of Stockholm and the joy of yakkin' uncensored on radio!!! (Sept. 13, 2016)
be sure to have your speakers plugged in to catch that bass, i wonder who's doing it? (from my last night in town, at Barbes... Sept. 30, 2016.. with Leon Gruenbaum on sam chillian/keys killin it & Gerry Gibbs just kickin ass as usual on the drums!)
FLASHBACK January 2016 - Blueblut on the Salon Schiff Florentine in Linz!!!